Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yes, I am still in the country. No, I do not currently have a departure date in mind. I am still waiting patiently (or with as much patience as I can muster) for the Virginia State Police to return the results of my background check, the last item necessary for me to gain a work visa for Zambia. As soon as the background check results arrive I will fax them over to Zambia and schedule my flight for a day soon after. 

I'm hoping the results arrive this week. Am I worried? Slightly. Any number of aspects from my checkered past could cause a problem (e.g. my relationship with Chuck Jones and Rick Palmen, the fact that I spent three long years living at the Shed, my struggles with addiction [to hotsauce], etc.), but I suppose that no news is good news at this point.

Until then I will be around and blogging whenever I get a chance. However, I need your help and your feedback. What would you like to hear about Zambia or Namumu? More about a certain topic? Less about a certain topic? Nothing at all? More pictures? More stories? More sentences ending in question marks?

I have fielded a few requests from loyal blog-readers in person, but I encourage you to either leave comments on the blog or to shoot me an email at to let me know what you would like to hear. 

Give me a holler.


  1. Hey Sam! Great to see this blog - I hope you get to Zambia soon. Roz and I are getting excited to see you in June. Take care,


  2. I love the stories about the poeple at Namumu and Zambia. Always post prayer requests, so we can pray for whatever needs praying and PICTURES! The Sam facts ares great too. Sorry you're still here.
    Also, I've never commented on a blog, so I have no idea how to do this. I am very impressed your Dad knows how to put a picture in and who's the line person? I don't know what my URL is!


  3. I am somewhat like Lindsey....I have never blogged before. I did, however, get my picture was a lot of trial and error and I do not remember how it happened. I have many questions, but just a couple now. Who funds this work? Why are you doing this? (I know because I know you....buta serious answer may inspire others.Ignore if the timing is not right for you.)
