Friday, March 6, 2009

Siavonga at last

Greetings, blog-readers, from Siavonga. I’m very happy to send you this, my first message from Zambia.

I’m sitting here in the Namumu sauna/front office sweating like Patrick Ewing and avoiding dive-bombing malaria-parasite-carrying mosquitoes while praying that the power doesn’t cut off again and staring out the window at children playing around the Baobab tree. I’m officially in Africa.

By the grace of God I have arrived alive and well. My 2nd plane touched down in Lusaka around 9:00 pm on Monday evening. I was greeted by Munjongo (the Namumu Executive Director) and his 6th born, his daughter, Ndandula. It was too late to drive back to Siavonga (a three hour trip), so we spent the night in Lusaka with Munjongo and Esther’s 5th born, Mauvita. African hospitality is unbelievable and we were treated quite well.

We spent the next day driving around Lusaka in the Namumu truck running errands. I picked up my Zambian work permit and a few items for my new home in Siavonga (pots, pans, utensils, etc.), all the while playing the "count the white people" game. I made it to about nine. After darting around town and narrowly avoiding umpteen traffic accidents we hit the road and headed for Siavonga.

I was greeted warmly by the Namumu staff and children and was shown my new home. It was good to see everyone again. Except, that is, for Saviour, the girls' caretaker, who's first words to me were "Sam! You got fat!"
My new place is wonderful and probably larger than I need. I'm staying in what used to be the nurse's quarters and have my own bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. I even have a guest bedroom (Come play. Bring hot sauce). I've spent the last few days fixing it up and clearing the back yard to start my garden, since the Namumu bosses have given me until Monday to recuperate and get my affairs in order before getting back to work.

That's about it for update number one. As of right now it looks as though once-a-week updates will be about all that I can manage. I'll try to keep them consistant and at the end of the week so that you'll know when to expect them. Catch you later...


  1. I'm so excited to get up this morning and see your first blog! Can't wait to see pictures of your new home. All you need now is a cat!

  2. Mom would say that as her first post :-)

  3. Sam...Glad you arrived safe and sound I don't care whether you get a cat or not...I could do without one...but maybe you should take your mother's advice. We will continue to keep you in our prayers....D-daddy

  4. Dear Sam... It was wonderful hearing from you..Glad you arrived safely and things are going well. Maybe you ate too much of your Mom's good cooking and got fat. H

  5. Great News! God willing Roz and I will see you June. Excited to hear about your garden

  6. Sam, the second comment of D-daddy's is mine. Mine got tangled with his and went out in his name....maybe I will do better the next time.

  7. Sam,
    So glad to hear from you. We are praying for you and are anxious to see how God uses you in Africa!

  8. Sam- Since the neighbors come out of hiding when temperatures rise above 70, we saw your mom today and she told us about your blog!

    The Coopster is on spring break this week and is with my parents and we are LIVING. IT. UP!!

    Jon is wondering whether any of the skills you picked up during gutter-clean season will come in handy during your travels. Is there a chance that you may be able to add a 6th income-generating operation to the mix?

    We'll be sure to check in from time to time & will certainly keep you and everyone at the orphanage in our prayers.


  9. Sam, Glad to hear things are getting started in Africa. We continue to pray that God's will will be worked through you - and all the wonderful Africans who are giving so much for their countrymen. All of your students are missing you. Percy preached for us today and his son was impressed with the "chill" basketball skills of JdD and Bukuru.

    I have tried to take over some of your driving students. You will be proud to know that Chandra got his dl on Saturday. Khuldip and Madhav and I went out driving Saturday afternoon - Khuldip's very first time behind the wheel. He did well getting to know the car in the Forest Hill Park parking lot. Then Madhav drove us downtown. He also did very well. He was good at getting us started with driver instruction because he just had lessons with a pro. Later, I went out with Kumar after he got off work. (He replaced his dad at Chick-fil-a). Kumar is a good driver. He will have his permit soon. This week, I hope to go out with Bhupen. But I know there are better driving teacher's out there. I think Randy Huffer and Bryce are going to get started soon.

    Just to keep you informed of things here. Can't wait to hear more of what is going on with you. Love you, Debra
