Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Here I Come

Well, it looks like I’ll be making a little trip back to the US of A pretty soon here. I’ve been trying to plan things out for a while, but I didn’t want to post anything until I had locked down a flight and made it official. I’ll be flying out from Lusaka on June 12th and will hopefully arrive safe and sound in DC on the morning of June 13th.

It seems nearly all my friends have decided to go ahead and get married around the same time, so that seemed like as good an excuse as any to head on back to the US. I mean, what do I like better, Christmas or wedding season? Uhhh, that would be…wedding season. I can’t wait to grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly.

To be honest, my overall plan is a bit fuzzy. As for now, it looks like I’ll be around the US for a couple of months and then, in all likelihood, I’ll be heading back to Zambia to work for a while longer.

I am still a little concerned about coming home for a bit. I’m coming back to an America that appears to be very different from the one I left, the one where Michael Jackson was still alive and kicking, where Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber were nobodies, and where nobody had heard of Twitter. I’m going to feel so lost when I get back. What else has changed since I left? Are there flying cars there yet? Feel free to post comments on the blog or to email me to help make this transition easier.

So, for the next few weeks I’ll be tying up loose ends and preparing to step away from Namumu for a bit. It makes things easier knowing that I’ll be returning to Siavonga before too long. I’ll be pretty busy for the next few weeks but I’ll do my best to do some solid posting anyway.

No excuses, play like a champion!


  1. I hope you're not planning to go back until after January 29 :-P

  2. Gosh, Sam - a lot has changed, yet I didn't even notice Michael, Justin or Lady Gaga. BUT Jocerine looks more like the Charlotte you remember than Charlotte does. Yesterday Remy and I had a conversation is English. Eritier, Emmanuel, Dequine, Jusele, Niyo, Madelaine, Rozine, Freddie and Yvan will be singing with the Children's Choir at Crestwood West this Sunday where they have sung before. Everybody has new little brothers and sisters. We are all totally consumed with Jenny and Toby's wedding. It is what we talk about all the time. Yeah, the world has changed a bit while you were in Africa, but it is all good and you are going to love the changes. Just be prepared to be shocked at how much children have grown up! However your parents and their friends have not aged at all.

    Loveyouandlookforwardtoseeingyousoon! Debra

  3. Might you come to Orlando while you are in the US? All your friends at Park Lake would love to see you and hear your great stories.
    So what is new here? One thing you might look into is I know you like that show "Lost." Someone said something on Facebook that it might be ending??
    I'll ask the students what is new and update you. No one knows what is cutting edge better than a 17 year-old boy.

  4. Elizabeth HillgroveMay 13, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    No flying cars, but your shoes laces automatically tighten and everyone's wearing their pants inside out. Holograms, holograms everywhere.

  5. Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!


  6. All good Sam and happy to see you back in one piece. Hope you plan to visit us here in Nashville or write a long story about all of your experience for our newsletter. It might be a lot to write. Also hope you plan to attend the zzm network meeting in Philadelphia. you are the african expert! welcome back home! you made it!

  7. I'm trying to get our VBS to have Namumu as their mission project. If you could come up to Gaithersburg...
