Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Change of Scenery

Wow. What a ridiculous weekend. Despite beginning with a potential disaster it quickly turned out to be one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time. It went a little something like this…

My phone rang at 4:30 am on Friday morning. It was Edwin Luneta, Namumu’s Finance Manager, telling me to come over to the office because there was an emergency. Awesome, I thought. Another emergency. What a great way to start the day.

Actually, you know what? Even though that sounds bad it really didn’t bother me too much. For one, I had been planning to wake up around 4:45 am to hop on our hired truck that would be leaving at 5:00 and heading to Lusaka to pick up supplies for the welding workshop. So, other than being slightly annoyed at being woken up a few minutes before my alarm (don’t you hate that?) I was fine.

Plus, given the way things go here at Namumu and in southern Africa in general I pretty much go to sleep every night expecting to be woken up by such a call alerting me to some emergency, so whatever.

It turns out it was another water emergency. Some dummy out in the bush started a fire that spread over the hill and burned up a portion of the piping that carries water from our bore hole to the Namumu complex. These fires are actually pretty common. People burn out wide areas so that the small game must come out of hiding, then they go a-hunting. Still, this hunter wasn’t thinking, and his or her carelessness totally screwed Namumu. Again.

However, as we are pretty savvy at handling water emergencies these days (thanks to lots of practice) we made a quick plan. We grabbed a local plumber who hopped on the hired truck with our group to go buy the necessary piping and pipe connections from Lusaka. He knew exactly what he needed and it wouldn’t be too expensive. Thus, the “emergency” turned out to be not that much of an emergency at all.

Things only got better from there.

For the most part it was ho-hum just another supply trip. Vincent and I now know exactly where to go in the city to get the lowest prices, so after bing-bang-booming around Lusaka for a few hours in our hired truck we had everything we needed. Usually such trips to Lusaka are pretty stressful, as you have to move quickly through a dirty, crowded city to pick a number of different things and finish in time to make the three hour drive back to Siavonga. But this one was smooth sailing.

Oh yea, and even though I’m sure you all think I’m making this up, some random guy on a street corner called me Chuck Norris again, so I’m three for three in Lusaka on that one. Boo ya!

Since we’d finished everything we needed to do, I figured I’d call a couple of my friends in Lusaka to see if they wanted to meet up.

I ended up chatting with Ndandula, Munjongo and Esther’s youngest daughter, and as she was just getting off work and didn’t have much going on she invited me to stick around Lusaka for the weekend and crash at her place. My work for the week was finished, and I hadn’t had a chance to get away from Siavonga and relax in a while, so I jumped right on the opportunity.

So, I was back in civilization for a few days. Mostly I was just relaxing and enjoying the change of scenery, but there were a few particularly memorable highlights.

There’s a really nice movie theater in Lusaka and I got to go see a movie, eat popcorn and drink Coca Cola. My head almost exploded from sheer excitement, which obviously speaks more to the lack of stimulation I have experienced in Siavonga lately than to the actual excitement of the experience.

I went with Ndandula and her cousin, Sonny, to see “The Hangover”. In classic African style they were looking forward to seeing some super crappy action movie, “GI Joe: The Rise of the Cobra”. However, using all the wit and charm I could muster as well referencing a strong endorsement from Chris Noack (which, given the fact that “Underworld II: The Rise of the Lycans” is one of Chris’s favorite movies was a pretty risky move) we went with “The Hangover”.

Wow, what a great choice. Very crude and very hilarious. And “The Champ” made one of the best cameos I’ve ever seen (trying to keep this blog spoiler-free).

It was an all-time great movie going experience for me, and the best part may have even been after the movie was over. I had a great urinal conversation with some 40-ish year old Zambian guy who started out the conversation chuckling and saying “Hah…boys will be boys, huh?” (you’ll understand if you see the movie…and yes, he began the conversation, not me…I think the rules of urinal etiquette are different here in Zambia).

Later on we went to an ice cream parlor, again nearly causing my head to explode. I know I shouldn’t have put down as much as I did, especially since I’ve been told I’m getting fat no fewer than ten times in the past week, but there ain’t much ice cream in Siavonga, so I had to get my fill.

I spent a number of hours over the weekend sprawled out on Ndandula’s rug watching tv. I still don’t have a tv here in Siavonga so, while my head didn’t almost explode it was still nice.

Actually, I did watch Beyonce’s “Ego” music video a few times and my head almost did explode.

And last but not least I got to make it out to a Lusaka night club where I tore up the dance floor for hours upon hours. It was fun, but the best part of the experience didn’t come until later in the night when some random guy came up to me and said, “Hey, nice beard, man, you look like John Lennon”. Can’t top that.

What a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. gosh - how embarrassing - it was my hope that movies like The Hangover never made it beyond America. I hate for the world to associate Americans with "urinal" movies - oh Sam - go see a good movie! All Immaculee wants to see is fighting and killing movies - JD and Buku are always telling me that I don't have enough killing movies.

    Miss you!
